Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Art Update

Just a few pieces of art for the project. You might be interested to see where the ideas come from, and what a basic idea sketch looks like. Enjoy!

By the way - if you are a fantasy artist, give us a shout.
We would like to talk to you about using your pieces for our cards.

This is how they all begin. Sharpie on 3x4 index card

Second stage. Inked sketch, scanned and cleaned up

The barbed devil

Blink dogs. Ink sketch

Basic sharpie sketch of a horde of Kobolds

Inked trio of Salamanders

Basic sketch of a Sigben (sp?), a sort of rat-like vampire thrall

Second iteration of the Treant. Still not happy with it

Basic sketch of a Xorn. I like this one

This is the way we're going - acrylic on 80 lb index card
Sample card with pen and ink art - meh

It's not so bad with monochromatic critters like blink dogs

More or less final art for the Treant card
This is the quality of art we would like to see from artists.
Mixed media by Cat Hennessey

Sunday, 12 October 2014

New Art

Richard is doing the lion's share of the art for our project. He's actually painting the images then putting them on the computer with the miracle of photography. He starts with sketches in the style we plan to use initially - but our first stretch goal gives us enough to cover the art budget for full colour art for the base deck. At that point full colour art will be the order of the day.

Here are some choice sketches.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Latest Decks Look Great!

We picked up the latest cards this week, I have been cutting the corners (craft tool) for ease of shuffling. I'll have some pictures up soon. All the cards that have art have original art (although some of it is not final art). We have the four utility decks, in fact the useful item and trap decks are quite large - after playtesting we'll leave in only the ones that people really enjoyed. 

If you want to see the cards and you are local - both Richard and I will be at the Geek Market this coming Saturday. Richard will be photographing the cos-players. I'll be talking with artists and showing off our cards. Heck, we might even recruit you to playtest for us!