Planning is coming along for our project. We decided to push the start date for our campaign to coincide with CanGames where I'm planning to run several Dungeon World sessions and show off our prototype cards. Also we have full decks in the hands of several play testers, just waiting to get the feedback. What I've heard verbally is very good.
We have developed two additional decks that I want to mention. The first is a trap deck and the second is a useful items deck. In the trap deck each card has a trap on top (with a bit of fiction or mechanic) and on the bottom a detail that would go nicely with the trap from on top. For example the PIT TRAP has WITH SPIKES on the bottom. On the bottom is also some fiction or mechanic. But you aren't limited to the trap on the card, draw two cards and use the top from one and the bottom from the other - bingo you have a new random trap to intrigue your players! The useful items cards work the same, but there is always fiction on the top or bottom. We have decks of these out for play testing too - and we plan on taking the best 25 cards for each deck (for starters).
I've included another art piece. Richard is hard at work drawing some great images for our cards. This is his derro from the basic card set. Doesn't it look great! We have a second artist lined up should we get the funding. I'll keep putting teasers up here as we go along, including some of the work he has coloured.
We've almost completed building our Kickstarter campaign. The intro film is the last big piece. We have a script now, just need to shoot and edit it. We've researched and secured a manufacturer and found out about shipping and customs. A big chunk of our costs will be shipping - especially fulfillment shipping to Canada? It is a bit frustrating that I will be able to ship this to Australia cheaper than I can to Vancouver? I am hoping to track some other shipping options down. There are a few design items I want to tweak - the colour coding is too close on two sets so I want to make the gap wider so that they are not confused.
I've also been reading as much as I can about successful kickstarter campaigns. This is the most recent article I've come across, very helpful.
I'll keep you all posted.
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