Sunday, 27 April 2014

More Pics of us Playing Dungeon World

These shots are from two different nights, but it is my regular Friday night crowd. We'll have some of the Monday night group soon.

What We are Working On This Week

Friday we shot lots of video, Tuesday night we will shoot a lot more. Then Richard will edit, edit, edit. We want to put together an entertaining and informative campaign video, and have fun doing it. We'll definitely have to do an out-take on my buddy Jay trying to roll double 6s. That was hilarious. It was so crazy that when he finally did the roar in the room was quite authentic!

Thanks to all who came out to play Dungeon World and let us take video footage.

Oh and Richard, sorry about your eye - but the orc shaman did find it delicious!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

New Format for Trap and Item Cards

From the feedback on the Useful Item and Trap cards, we've decided to run a pilot where the bottom of the card is inverted, so that you grab two cards, use a top and bottom and they can be laid down so that it is easy to see just the information you want! This is the Spyglass card from the new layout.

Each of the Item cards will be illustrated, and we have illustrations on almost all of them now.

This change was a lot of work as previously all the cards were paired with a descriptor (bottom) that went naturally with the item (top). The new cards pair an item with a descriptor that was an unlikely match for the item on top.

Confused? We'll have a demo video of the Item cards up soon. We are trying to line up a couple of actual Dungeon World sessions for our promo video. I'm playing this Friday, so hopefully we'll have some cameras rolling.

PS. Sorry for the delay, we ended up planning a lot more Easter activity than I expected.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Release the Kraken!

It's been busy here as I try to clean my workload plate in preparation for our launch. We now have art from three different artists! We might add a fourth as well. This means a big improvement in the quality of art we can produce over the course of our production cycle. we are also feeling quite inspired by other campaigns we've been following and will be tweaking the layout and design elements of our cards to match the quality we see in other decks. The colour scheme will remain. Also we have all our initial playtesting decks in the hands of players. In my own regular game the cards have been an amazing help whenever I need something quick and don't want to fall back to my old standby items, traps, and encounters.

I'll post something fun on Friday.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Very Cool Companion Project

Model 1I just wanted to let you all know about the Combat Description Cards currently campaigning on KickStarter. These cards look fantastic. They will be the same size as our Encounter Deck cards, which means storing them all together is a no-brainer. A complete press pack for these cards can be found here.

UPDATE: Wow, they had an amazingly successful campaign! If you missed it then you can get in on the fun via this link.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Settings and the Cards

In the Dungeon World manual monsters are organized into nine different settings. Using the colours from the splash pages for the settings, we created a border for each card. We are playing with adding a pattern into this border, but will only do so if it does not impede readability. The only colour we didn't take from the splash page art was Swamp Denizens. The colour we used in our last batch of prototype decks was too close to that of Cavern Dwellers, we wanted to make sure you can easily identify the cards by setting. The text here is also from the cards and attempts to replicate fonts used in the Dungeon World manual. Having cards colour coded like this makes it easy to grab monsters from a couple of settings into a random deck, but then sort them again with the same ease.