Tuesday, 22 April 2014

New Format for Trap and Item Cards

From the feedback on the Useful Item and Trap cards, we've decided to run a pilot where the bottom of the card is inverted, so that you grab two cards, use a top and bottom and they can be laid down so that it is easy to see just the information you want! This is the Spyglass card from the new layout.

Each of the Item cards will be illustrated, and we have illustrations on almost all of them now.

This change was a lot of work as previously all the cards were paired with a descriptor (bottom) that went naturally with the item (top). The new cards pair an item with a descriptor that was an unlikely match for the item on top.

Confused? We'll have a demo video of the Item cards up soon. We are trying to line up a couple of actual Dungeon World sessions for our promo video. I'm playing this Friday, so hopefully we'll have some cameras rolling.

PS. Sorry for the delay, we ended up planning a lot more Easter activity than I expected.

1 comment:

  1. I have the trap cards similarly sorted - just need to redo the cards.
