We had a great Dungeon World session Tuesday night. It is the first time I've been in the player seat. I am just so used to running the game that I didn't realize I hadn't had a chance to have the player's experience. It was so much fun. I played a dashing hero, leaping around with my rapier whipping the baddies. It was also the second play test of our CanGames scenario, Richard ran the game and deliberately took it in an unexpected direction using the encounter and trap cards to create an exciting (and sometimes disturbing) scenario. Elves, gnolls, necromancers, and a half-gnoll half-human? baby! Yikes.
I'm hoping that Richard will get a chance to print up the latest cards, we'll round the edges and take some pictures for you all. We are still hoping to launch this month - we have lots to do to get ready. I'm also teaching again this semester, a compressed course which means I lecture twice a week. That will also keep my quite busy. But I'm really looking forward to getting the campaign launched.
Just a bit of a teaser. Following the lead of the hugely successful Combat Description Cards, I've asked some developer friends to help me accurately price out doing an app version of our cards. We'll have it as a stretch goal to be added after we meet some of our initial stretch goals. Our intention is a web-app (I can do that myself if needed) and a stand-alone app for the iOS and Android platforms.
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