In our new video we focus on what we need funding for and what you get for funding our project.
Why we need funding:
- great art costs money, and we want great art on these cards.
- production and shipping are our biggest expenses. By having pre-paid pre-orders (essentially what Kickstarter gives us) we can deal with a printer who specializes in card printing and use the savings to add more cards and more perks!
- playtesting costs money. We've printed several iterations of our cards now, and distributed them at our own expense. We need to do this to make sure our product is awesome.
What you can get from funding this project:
- for $1 you get on the mailing list so that you can follow our project and show your support. This option also gets you in for certain add-ons later.
- for $10 you get everything we produce (cards and adventure seeds) in PDF. We call it the no-BS PDF plan.
- and we'll have early bird buy-ins for great deals on the card decks - in lots of combinations so you get exactly the cards you want.
- we'll also have shirts (I'm going to put up some images of the shirts we have planned - very cool).
- we'll have opportunities for you to help playtest our decks as well as create your own cards by working with our design teams
- we are hoping to hit the stretch goals that let us go ahead with developing an app version of our decks for your mobile devices.
- and finally we'll have opportunities to get some custom art from great local artists.
There are really lots of great options we want to put out there.
Each of these options adds a bit of complexity to the project. But we think it is worth it, and that is why we are not rushing to Kickstart the project until we have all the details worked out.
It's going to be awesome!
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