Tuesday, 15 July 2014

A Couple Things and check this out....

Just so you know what's happening - I'm frantically finishing the last of my edits for my doctoral thesis. I've gotten my feedback and am able to submit this monster. So I've been a wee bit occupied. But that doesn't mean I haven't been working on the campaign.

Tonight we are going to re-shoot our video footage. We will have 4 cameras rolling and a friend of mine, Robert Sykes, is going to come help us get the footage we need. Maybe we are being perfectionists, but I feel that the video is very important.

Speaking of Robert - he is one of the local artisans (and fellow gamers) we've tagged to help us with a very special stretch goal. Our other artisan friend, Etienne Moreau, has spec'd out and designed a wicked awesome custom box for the encounter decks! These boxes will hold a set of everything and have room for some expansion. We are also thinking of a dice/pencil insert so the GM will be able to throw everything in a fancy box. Also the top will open to form a stand for holding cards. It will be beautiful and functional. The style he's proposed is campaign furniture (see image of chest similar to the design he's proposed). He'll be building a prototype before we launch. If we get enough demand we'll have both artisans working on this project (perhaps have two different designs even).

OK one more thing. There is a campaign you should check out. Non-player Character Cards. We love these card projects. I think this would make a great compliment to our Encounter Decks because who doesn't want a more flavour rich gaming experience? Check them out.

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