Monday, 23 February 2015

Life after PhD!

Sorry for not posting here recently. It's been a wild ride this winter. So cold! Yet, productive on other fronts. If you remember we were planning on launching in January. But instead that is when things fell into place for me to defend my PhD. Add to that running games for all kinds of people, and we've been trying to keep our feet under us. In all of that Richard and I have been working on the cards, new art and a new beta is out there. We did find a printer that will work, but we want to investigate an option close to home that might be even better. Yet, in that time the Canadian dollar has dropped quite a bit so I'm needing to re-run our numbers to make sure everything still works. When we launch the Kickstarter will be in CDN$, but we'll make sure to put the equivalents in there for you as well. The final piece is creating all the campaign art - complete with stretch goals and all that jazz. I built some temporary art for that when we started, but I defer to Richard's artistic prowess. We are close, but we are also not wanting to be in a hurry and mess up the funding structure. Our goal is to get a product in your hands at a great price and not lose our shirts in the process. Sound good?

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